Air curtains URBAN

IMG_6557 IMG_6554 IMG_6556    Due to its robust design, the air curtain can be installed also in the areas of round-the-clock operation. It forms a natural air barrier on the way of cold air entering a warm environment, in the summer on the way of warm air entering the environment with conditioned atmosphere, it protects from unpleasant odors, insects and dust. The air curtain installed in these conditions meets all the requirements for equipment that is responsible for saving energy and temperature comfort in the building.Universal air curtain URBAN represent the most widely used products of our range. In its appearance and design, the curtain is designed for traditional stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets, where the curtain must merge with space, fulfilling all requirements in terms of functionality and design. Frequently used additional functions of veils include static and dynamic advertising.

The color options according to RAL 7047, optional RAL overlays, the possibility of placement above the door and side of the door, the heating option and a wide range of accessories - all this can be used even in difficult conditions and completely hidden thanks to a variety of finishing accessories.




On weekdays:
from 09.00 to 18.00
Our address:
Franz-Claas-Straße 32, 33428 Harsewinkel