
Equipment with heat exchangers on hot water must be equipped with valve kits. When the set temperature is reached and there is no heat demand, the valve closes the main and only a small flow passes through the bypass line to prevent freezing and keep the working temperature level on the heat exchanger. This is necessary to maintain the readiness to give full power when opening the doors. In the absence of a control valve, the coolant flow rate is constant and this can lead to an excess of energy consumption.


Valve modifications:

I.  Two-way valves:                              LiIV 2W ventil 022x

and / or three-way valves:       Li IV 3W ventil 023x

II. Thermostatic: termostatic


and / or

electrothermal valves: termostatic

                                                          VALVE MODELS:pdf-download

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Franz-Claas-Straße 32, 33428 Harsewinkel