Heating units and fan heaters

Heating units and fan heaters:


Air heating, namely the choice of methods and options for its organization, today plays a crucial role in the design of a newly constructed industrial or commercial facility, or the arrangement of a working area of ​​an existing one. In many regions, air heating using water registers is a thing of the past, and at present water heaters are widely used, among which leading roles belong to fan heaters, air heaters, LUFTSTROM heating units. Even in the absence of central heating, or a local boiler house at the facility, many of our customers resort to the use of fan heaters, air heaters, air heating units. It is especially important when organizing air heating in car washes, car-care centers, warehouses and workshops with a large (> 5 meters) ceiling height. Fan heaters, air heaters, air heating units LUFTSTROM provide heating of the building with high efficiency.


On weekdays:
from 09.00 to 18.00
Our address:
Franz-Claas-Straße 32, 33428 Harsewinkel