Controllers for operation with 230 V

Controllers for operation with 230 V:

1. Controllers of series "O":







2. Controllers of series "ROJ Light":

ROJ light 





3. Controllers of series "ROJ":







4. Controller "Ditronic Touch":


Ditronic controller is fitted with an intelligent processor regulator, designed specifically for Comfort and Design air curtains that are fitted with AC or EC fans. Due to the units sleek design and readable blue colour screen, it is suitable for most kinds of interior design applications (from a basic type to the more expensive stylish type). The controller offers local control, control from superior system (BMS) or Modbus compatibility. Ditronic is suitable for connection using a UTP cable with a RJ45 connector.

On weekdays:
from 09.00 to 18.00
Our address:
Franz-Claas-Straße 32, 33428 Harsewinkel